Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Bachelor Recap

Like the reality junkie I am I watch the Bachelor religiously Monday nights.

I usually start Bachelor around 7:30/8:00 (gotta love the DVR) with freshly painted nails and some wine. When it comes to Bachelor night it is more or less a girls night with reality drama.

Well well well....we are getting down to a few girls on the Bachelor and things are getting very interesting.

The episode tonight started out with a one on one date with...Renee...I cannot decided if there is chemistry or not here. To me it just seemed awkward... Did anyone else find it annoying that she kept saying how badly she wanted to kiss him. Well their dated ended with a rose and that was that.

Now for the juicy part of the show...those of you who watched know what I am talking about....

There is always that one girl that is outgoing that ALL the girls hate, mainly because they wish they were in her shoes. Instead of them focusing on how they are not spending time with Juan they should just shut up and go be with him.

Clare is once again that girl and sneaks away to the Bachelor's room...which who did not see that coming when Mr. Juan conveniently showed her his suite. Clare's dream of swimming in the warm ocean turned into something more than she could handle. Which I found funny because they show her saying she did not regret what she did and then at the rose ceremony she was sobbing on how she never meant for that to happen and she felt so bad. Who was fooled by that....not me she was crying because of how it made her look on national television and realized her family was going to see her fun ocean night.

Moving on to Nikki...I have loved her since she first got out of the limo. I laugh at everyone who is calling her the vilvian...as if everyone has dated a guy with 10 other "girlfriends". Girls are ruthless when it comes to men especially the Bachelor...who doesn't want to "win"...I mean get engaged at the end of the show. They had a fun date and of course she got the rose. I am for sure TEAM NIKKI when it comes to this season of the Bachelor.

Then came the rose ceremony...but lets face it I really tuned out after Nikki got the rose, I did not care who he sent home.

What are your favorite moments from the Bachelor...Is your favorite girl still there??? Leave your comments below!!! Happy Tuesday!

First Entry

Everyone seems to be in the world of blogging...so why not start one. I just thought this would be something fun to play around with.

With that here is a little bit about me....

I am....a coffee drinking, bible reading, snow loving, reality tv junkie, Broncos cheering, mother of two little girls and wife.
My Family